Deinkable LED-UV Ink and Removable Adhesives – Innovations to Improve Paper Recycling

The difficulties increase and it becomes more and more challenging to contribute new graphic paper from the paper for recycling. The rising prices for papers and the recycling cost are also getting higher leading to demand for graphic papers. Keeping in mind about the quantity of their supplies it becomes more difficult for the paper mills to meet the requirements for high-quality graphic papers.

Quality is not only a vital aspect for deinking grades, but the manufacturers also channeled papers and boards. This affects the entire value chain, and also quality control. The new European Packaging Waste Directive provides new challenges and new chances for improving paper recycling. We might remember those prints with liquid toner from HP Indigo are not appropriate for the deinking process. Nothing has been changed about this! But, in France, there is finally an appeal to bring in a separate collection for the Indigo printer waste. The recycling process can take place in a method where the prints do not disturb the deinking process.

Same problems can arise from UV- curable ink. The cross-link in the polymerization created by UV light sources. In many instances, the resultant large substances are not sufficiently decomposable, also because they are not as the water repellent compared to the traditional offset inks. But, now the increased research has resulted in success. At the INGEDE Symposium, a latest deinkable LED-UV ink will be displayed, and the work behind the creation of this ink. This ink is also free from the currently banned photoinitiators.


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